We know that HIV disproportionately affect many "high risk" group but there is still a risk for men and women choose to have unprotected sex. Many people think that the worst thing that would happen during pregnancy, but we now know that in today's era, this is the least of our worries.
I have been asked a lot lately that I believe that there is a difference between "gay AIDS" and "HIV straight"? In my opinion is, although it is the same as the virus we fight, the journey is very different. Although it has not been formally put forward, I believe that this is a fair question to understand whether there are differences. Between the two, we need to understand the HIV / AIDS is considered and the heterosexual community.
The fact is the most direct people don't talk about HIV, unless they say Magic Johnson or AIDS in Africa. Although the popular Sub-aharan the highest infection rate in the world HIV heterosexual, we in the United States accounted for only about 25%. of new infections.
A major problem facing our community is lack of social consciousness. Seldom have I seen / support activities for HIV, heterosexual society as much as possible only for LGBT or ethnic minorities. It makes a large, unsafe sex every day, often in collaboration with multiple partners. Many of the activities is still a continuation of shame, this is just a gay disease, heterosexual lovers feel they are not dangerous.
I have a couple of my friends who are gay and tell me "Oh do you have HIV from a girl?" she must sleep with someone who is bi / gay... There is no way or you will get it. "This comment further. Although we are trying to debunk the shame of heterosexual risk is smaller, it is difficult to contract, the risk still exists, and this group of problems we should have a human problem, because we all know that AIDS will affect all of us.
As for support the vast majority of support groups is very few, if any, direct members to participate. This may be due to the fact that heterosexual usually does not seek support and tend to keep their diagnosis more personal, I hope no one will find. But I believe that the main reason people do not seek support is afraid of being stuck a prototype often promote AIDS prevention and education activities including advertising, Taro Aso. There is no doubt that these activities have good intentions, trying to reach those high-risk groups. However, most of the mainstream American estrangement, feel that they cannot with these news. AIDS is considered to be the "people", but never give us what I know. This is what I want before I was diagnosed, I was wrong. Although I know I've never used HIV / AIDS education / university courses from my own life.

A lot of people straight community are unaware of their status and has never been called HIV testing doctors because they are not a "high risk". Unless the doctor thought they were involved in high-risk behavior, such as unprotected anal or intravenous drug, AIDS is the theme of growing up, or until the patient is pregnant. It is for this reason a plurality of configurations, and many heterosexual for a long time do not know their identity. This can be very dangerous because if the patient does not require testing have long time, may reach AIDS and opportunistic infection before the appropriate opportunity to take care of their health.
It is everyone's responsibility to know their status, but it does not seem fair that a group of people who have been tested for another group can also be pushed aside
Anti retroviral drugs era has proven to save lives, prevent let us live a normal life is also a double-edged sword. Many people, not only in the straight community, now think that HIV is not what the big deal; it is a chronic disease that can control the single pill. Although this is really, afraid of infection has been reduced. People do not understand is the side effects of drugs, HIV is the emotional rollercoaster, positive psychological effect on diagnosis of sb.
In HIV / AIDS is continuously neglected in the United States today, will continue to increase HIV infection is increasing every year. There are more understanding and support LGBT / minority community about this virus.PrEPand PEP was more advertising in these communities, they are not even mentioned in the heterosexual population.
Although there may be more error information at least virus in these communities is a topic of discussion. HIV / AIDS is not such a "cover" theme, people don't even dare to say this word. The push out test and understand your condition is good, but should be the same for everyone, regardless of race, sexual orientation or, social and economic status. Instead of these activities and organizations pay close attention to "high risk", "everyone should look at the overall situation.There are a lot of faces of HIV, and we need to do everything we can to stop anyone from infecting the virus. I do not object to homosexuality / ethnic education or awareness; however, I believe a large group is excluded
In order to achieve zero, we need to see if we can take a variety of ways to achieve this goal. This is one reason for my own identity, because I want straight knowing this will happen to them, this is not just a homosexual sexual orientation. No matter we are all brothers and sisters play it war, we need together.
Many heterosexuals may not be so open, gay equality I and everyone has the right to their own opinion, however, I think we all agree that our goal is an HIV / AIDS free generation
About the author: my name is Joshua Middleton and I am a straight from South California, HIV infection from June 5th, 2012. This is an emotional roller coaster, but one day I put it at a time. Since I'm open my state and I have been involved in the diagnosis of HIV / AIDS action to prevent people infected with this virus. I don't know my position of shame, urges everyone, if you do not know your identity, please. I am an outgoing, optimistic, full of go people to life every day "
No matter what HIV Singles do not abandon. HIV Singles should be positive everydaty.
If you have no partner, you can visit the HIV Dating Sites.There are a lot of HIV friends on the net
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